Faculty of Physics
University of Vienna

The Central European Seminar was created 2004 and is intended to provide stimulating interactions between leading researchers and promising junior physicists. It is the successor of the Vienna Triangle Meeting, organised by particle physics groups
located in Bratislava, Budapest and Vienna, which took place annually
between 1968 and 2003 and was intended to foster communications of physicists working on both sides of the iron curtain.
A considerable number of junior scientists participate in the seminar, and
we receive special grants for supporting their attendance.
The Central European Seminar is jointly organised by the Theoretical Physics Departments of the University
of Vienna (particle.univie.ac.at) and TU Wien (www.itp.tuwien.ac.at), the High Energy Physics Institute of the Austrian Academy of Sciences and the FWF doctoral school "Particles and Interactions” (www.dkpi.at).
(last updated: 08/05/2024)