Faculty of Physics
University of Vienna



November 30 - December 02, 2007





Dorothea Bahns (Hamburg):


On renormalization in noncommutative field theory



This is an expository talk on recent results in renormalization of quantum fields on noncommutative spaces. First I explain how the shuffle Hopf algebra of chord diagrams appears in renormalization on the noncommutative Minkowski space. I then point out differences between theories with Minkowskian or Euclidean signature, and in particular, address the longstanding ultraviolet/infrared mixing problem which is absent in the Minkowskian setting at least for a certain class of graphs.

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(last updated: 18/10/2007)

http://www.univie.ac.at/vienna.seminar /  2007,  E-mail: vienna.theor-physik@univie.ac.at