Department of Theoretical Physics
University of Vienna



December 01 - 03, 2006





Hans Klapdor-Kleingrothaus (Heidelberg):


Status and Role of Double Beta Decay in Particle Physics and New View into the Future of the Field



Beta decay processes of nuclei can yield important information for particle and astroparticle physics. The observation of neutrinoless double beta decay by the enriched 76Ge experiment is of fundamental consequence for elementary particle theory. It implies violation of lepton number, and the Majorana nature of the neutrino, yields information on the neutrino mass, and sharp limits on other beyond standard model physics. We will discuss the lessons we have to draw after this observation for present and future experiments. What is necessary to confirm the present result and in parallel to deliver additional information on the main contributions, of effective neutrino mass and right-handed weak currents etc., to the neutrinoless double beta decay amplitude. The status of presently running and planned experiments and their potential is discussed. We outline the only way to get more information on the individual contributions to the neutrinoless double beta decay amplitude.

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