Tania Robens (Aachen):
NLO Event Generation for Chargino Production at the ILC
In the chargino and neutralino sector of the MSSM, the
electroweak SUSY parameters can be determined by a small number of measurements of masses and cross
sections. At the ILC, these parameters can be determined with an experimental accuracy matching the
precision of NLO and higher-order theoretical predictions. The higher order contributions therefore
need to be included in the analysis of the parameters of the SUSY sector. We present a NLO Monte-Carlo
event generator for simulating chargino pair-production at the ILC. We consider two approaches of
including photon radiation. A strict fixed-order approach allows for comparison and consistency checks
with published semianalytic results in the literature, but suffers from negative weights in certain
points of phase space. A version with soft- and hard-collinear resummation of photon radiation,
which combines photon resummation with the inclusion of the NLO matrix element for the
production process,avoids negative event weights, so the program can simulate physical (unweighted)
event samples. Photons are explicitly generated throughout the range where they can be
experimentally resolved. We evaluate the systematic errors due to softand collinear approximations.
In the resummation approach, the residual uncertainty can be brought down to the per-mil level,
coinciding with the expected statistical uncertainty at the ILC. We show results for cross
sections and event generation for both approaches.
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