Department of Theoretical Physics
University of Vienna



December 01 - 03, 2006





Federica Palorini (Villeurbanne):


Definitions of Minimal Flavour Violation for Leptons



Neutrino masses imply the violation of lepton flavour and new physics beyond the Standard Model. However, flavour change has only been observed in oscillations. In analogy with the quark sector, we could deduce the existence of a principle of Minimal Flavour Violation also for Leptons (MFVL). Such an extension is not straightforward, since the mechanisms generating neutrino masses are unknown and many scenarios can be envisaged. Thus, we explore some possible definitions of MFVL and propose a notion that can include many models. We show, furthermore, that flavour violating processes are not neccessarily controlled by the PMNS mixing matrix.

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