We are happy to enclose the
preliminary program
containing links to the abstracts of all the talks.
You can also separately find
the titles and abstracts of the invited
lecturers as well as of all the additional speakers giving
short talks. We are hoping
very much that you are interested.
Please fill in - if you have not done already
- the online application form.
Accommodation will be provided in nearby pensions and hotels,
preferably in two-bed rooms as the number of one-bed rooms
is rather limited. If you prefer other hotels or if you are
applying later than by beginning of November we kindly ask
you to directly address yourself to www.info.wien.at
Please be reminded that the Vienna Seminar
will take place at
"Großer Hörsaal des Instituts
für Materialphysik"
Boltzmanngasse 5 / 3rd floor
A-1090 Vienna
Registration will start on Friday at 08:30
in front of the lecture hall. You will be asked to pay the
registration fee of € 50 (except for students). Payment
must be by cash; we cannot accept credit cards.
In addition to the seminars we cordially
invite you to attend the special discussion sessions on Friday
and Saturday afternoon, the Public Lecture on Friday evening
and the Conference Reception on Saturday evening.
We are looking forward to meeting you very soon, yours
Helmuth Hüffel