Department of Theoretical Physics University of Vienna

November 26 - 28, 2004
We are very sorry to inform you that due to health
considerations Prof. Julius Wess will not be able to join the seminar.
Luckily, his collaborator Marija Dimitrijevic will lecture for him.
We enclose the program
containing links to all the talks that are available online.
For your convenience we also include .pdf versions
of the schedule for Friday, Saturday
and Sunday, respectively.
Everybody is very welcome to take part in the discussion
sessions with the invited speakers, as well as in the poster session.
There will be a reception at the Erwin Schrödinger
International Institute of Mathematical Physics on Friday evening
and a conference party at the Department of Theoretical Physics
on Saturday evening. We hope to see you all around!
Please fill in - if you have not done already - the
online application form, as it will
be available only up to Monday Nov. 22.
Please be reminded that registration will start on
Friday at 08:15 in front of the lecture hall. You will be asked
to pay the registration fee of € 40 (except for students).
Payment must be by cash; we cannot accept credit cards.
We wish you a pleasant journey and are looking forward to meeting
you very soon, yours
Helmuth Hüffel
(last updated: 02/12/2004)